Configuring the Items for the Patient List

    The Items Used in the Patient List

    The default CPN items PT-ATTENDDOC and PT-GROUP are used in the Patient List to provide the information about the provider and the provider group. In order to see the provider and the provider group, you must have these items available for your clinicans to document.

    Note For changes to the presence or absence of provider group, contact GE HealthCare technical support for assistance.
    Tip Both of these items can be configured to be coded items so that documentation is consistent between users. When using a coded or multi-coded item, the long text for these items is the information displayed.
    Tip Due to device size when using Centricity Perinatal Web, consider configuring the item long text to fit a smart phone. For example, Generic Obstetrics & Gynecology Partners could be changed to be GOGP.

    For information on creating an item in Centricity Perinatal and adding the item to a form, see the Centricity Perinatal Clinical Configuration Reference Manual.